Thursday, February 26, 2009

Calamity Is Always Right Behind

Yes. Yet Another Picture-less Post
Buy Me A Camera will You.

yeap. so fortunate of me. my mobile aint besides me when theres an occasion. week lah i PROMISE to post more pictures. but for now let me entertain you with some black words:

"Yes Tonight We Have Our Weekly Tahlil and Yassin prayer. theres running around. some pissing me off. but not baby JuJu. and fyi if you guys wandering why i change my link. nyeeeh. owh yea..nini let me take care of the invitation. you know what i text everybody :"silalah sembahyang maghrib bersama-sama diikuti dengan tahlil. berkumpul seperti biasa pada waktu petang" err YEA! heres a random Picture!


i dont know about you guys. but this always cheers me up =D

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