Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nothing But Series Of Unfortunate Events

i make an oath to make toothie healthy. hahaha i did! err.she is super skinny bah. but atleast she drinks 8glasses of water a day. better than none. and she said "bobby. cuba kau liat ni kulit tuty ayh.sudah showing colour nya" i give her my "senyuman sinis". yes. i learned that word today. anywho. i promise her to cooked my famous corned beef rice. with egg on top.

lets cut this short

i drove to a convinient store. paid some stuff. look outside. some maniac yelling my name. pulling her hair while wearing a pyjama's. and thought to myself. "ayh cukup kani duit kn sedekah". i looked closely. and there.its my sister. "BOY! kereta ayh!". you get the pic. well i look like a waste too. just picture it ok. continue~ i went outside. then noticed. the car was gone.or dissapeared. or whatever. tuty keep yelling.panicking. you know...doing what rockstar do on stage. well iam the audience. pretending to understand what she is saying. we asked some guy. and she said the car was "drove away" by some men. or MAN. *read part of toothie's post* i always poking toothie. "ha! that maman. know i now why lily suspiciouly smiling with that mischivous look WHILE opening the trunk of the car" how low can he go? iam not talking about the limbo. lets get back to the story yo!. we decided to walk to our house. since its not that far. back in the old days. me and my sister frequently walk to a small shop near our house. yea... we got older and the shop mikin jauh. meaning the older we get. the more we think the far the shop is. *blablablabla* maman picked us up. toothie keep punching him. looks fun. so i decided to packed some punches too. POW! POW!

-the end-

*gasp* what a long post

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